BC Racebook Newsletter - November 8, 2023


First Race at 7PM (PT)

Photo Michael's Fine Photography; Facebook

Bailey on the Backstretch


by Bailey Williams


There is another member of the talented Abbott family at Fraser Downs Racetrack working towards being a triple threat as an owner, trainer and driver Carson Abbott’s brother John and father Gord have already been there and it is Carson’s dream to reach that level as early as the next Spring meet.

Getting his first official win as a trainer last fall, Carson now has 28 of the required 50 points in qualifiers. There are a total of five points per qualifier to be earned.

Since getting parked wide in his getting parked wide in his first ever qualifier, only achieving three of the possible five points, Carson has redeemed a perfect five points for his last five qualifier.

After holding a trainers license for two years and finally being eligible to drive in qualifiers, he is on his way to the final step in becoming an official race driver.

Stay tuned.  That triple threat is on the horizon.  

Photo Michael Bye

Racing Secretary Scott Henson
Addresses Horse Issues at Hastings 

By Greg Douglas – Dr. Sport


Hastings Racecourse racing secretary Scott Henson has set the record straight regarding what he refers to as “negative, unresearched and uneducated” comments that have appeared recently online and in local media outlets.

In an unsolicited message to BC Racebook and the HBPA entitled ‘Straight from the Horses Mouth’, Henson provides an inside look at just how well the equine population is cared for at Hastings.

Here, in part, is what he wants to share:

“Our horses love what they are doing. They have choices and can speak for themselves.  Their safety and well-being are of the utmost priority. At the start of the 2023 season, we had just shy of 390 horses on the grounds yet only 340 made a start and of that number about 280 were regular competitors during the race meet.”

“Why did 50 not make it to the starting gate? Because they had a choice and in their own way told their owners and trainers that they weren’t ready.”

“We have protocols in place that horses must pass and achieve before they are allowed to compete.  They must meet a set time during a workout, they have to go through strict gate schooling and must be paddock schooled. Those that do meet all the criteria love and enjoy what they are bred to do."  

“I can’t speak for other tracks but I can say at Hastings we have one of the best veterinarians in the business and with our astute track stewards a horse is not entered to race unless it is fully fit to do so." 

“Our horses are checked regularly and if there is the slightest chance of not being fit they are put on a registered list and unable to race until they are deemed to be sound. There are athletes all over the world who aren’t given the care  these horses are given.  A horse’s safety is first and foremost. They are given incredible amounts of grooming, well fed and exercised daily.”

“This was a tough year at Hastings.  One horse suffered a heart attack, an outside distraction caused another incident, there was an unforeseen situation with a loose horse and there were the normal health issues that had to be dealt with. These are things that happen in all walks of life with humans and animals.”

“Let me close by saying our horses at Hastings Racecourse are very well cared for and strict regulations are in place to protect these graceful animals. Negative published articles and social media opinions of late are based on assumptions.”  

Matthew Ruhlman